

Photo gallery: Street Photography

A great feeling…

Street Photography in a way, unites us with everything and allows us to communicate and express ourselves from an unique point of view.

In the street's we present ourselves in the most simple manner, humble as possible.

The image; it's what really matter. Every second counts. Our movements may cause changes, it is important to master the scene and let our fingers move the trigger slowly... 

In fractions of seconds occurs something that moves us and encourages us to keep trying.

Another extraordinary thing is human contact. The people who suffer. People who talk their own life philosophy in their own terms and that can only be heard in the streets… 

We move in directions where many approach us and question us about what we're doing. But when we sit around them, and even eat with them on the same destroyed sidewalk, we learn that their world it’s not so far away from ours…

Here's some of my work..

This is my first attempt in English. 

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