

A wrong message

Foto: Torbakhopper

We think of a government whose speech unify and evoke peace instead of violence.

A message that hold al least some of the principles of truth and it will not hide in lies and expression’s like “the press as the enemy of the people”.

But that is not the case.

Hours after I wrote this, Pittsburgh police confirmed a multiple-injured attack (11 deaths were confirmed that night) when a gunman launched fire on the Tree of Light synagogue. The attacker was caught and held in custody.

The president of the United States made it clear to the press that if there had been an armed officer in the synagogue the results would have been different.

That’s his answer.

This answer must not surprise us if we take into consideration he’s political style in wich he has been to attacking minorities neither belong or do not even profess he’s own philosophy.

A philosophy based on the love of violence and firearms.

A destructive philosophy that has divided the nation.

Inciting his supporters by means of insult, vile words and others...  Speeches that has consequences like the act of violence we have seen in Pittsburgh.

Racial hate and the level of penetration of he’s message demonstrate that words may also has consequences and will lead directly trought tragic events like college attacks and murders recently in Florida.

The same Nation that professes a democratic flag, it’s directed by a person who provokes the worst of human violence.

This is so and so deep that it will take decades to heal...

Recently, a few blocks away while this president was playing Golf, was taken place the burial of young people killed in Florida, the past few weeks.

Racist groups were saying about that tragedy that the teachers should have been armed without leaving behind, the insults, making clear that the students in question were all lesbian or received payments from the Main Stream News Media and of course the Democratic Party use them.

It's alarming to think about the future.

This administration at some point will conclude its term.

Can they accuse the president of his ties and electoral fraud?

So what?

What will happen when these groups are orphaned by that hatred and official message to propagate their racist philosophy?

What will happen when they are isolated in a public discussion about a way that most people reject?

Too many questions still without answer.

I can’t think that through libel, insinuations and racial expressions they are going to remain in power.

They forget that there are two sides...

There is a vast majority of human beings of all denominations, from all corners, inside and outside of the nation, which reject this type of message.

As we categorically reject a philosophy that is essentially with the worst that a human being can have, I include myself, as I also reject it from the depths of my heart.

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